During your student life, there must have been many times when you faced financial difficulties because you needed money to pay tuition fees, house rent, living expenses, buying school supplies,...? So they must do? Why not immediately use the online student loans? Guaranteed you will receive the loan the same day with no financial proof, no collateral and no guarantor.
Student loans are loan service deployed by financial companies exclusively for students studying at intermediate schools, colleges and universities in Vietnam. The purpose of this service is to help students overcome a difficult time to continue their studies. This is really a useful support service for many students, especially students who are far from home and have difficult circumstances.
The introduction of online student loans service has brought students a lot of practical benefits such as:
This is the benefit and also the biggest advantage that the online fast money loan service brings. If you borrow money from a bank, you will have to go to the transaction branch to do the loan procedures and receive the loan. However, when borrowing money online, you can apply for a loan anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a smartphone, iPad or computer connected to the internet.
Currently, many financial companies offer good interest rates with many attractive incentive programs such as free 0% interest rate on the first loan, interest rate reduction for customers when extending loans, etc.
If you are too tired to prepare dozens of procedures, loan documents at the bank, meet all conditions from age, collateral, proof of income, credit history, .. then why not choose online money lending service at financial companies? As long as you are a Filipino citizen, aged from 18 to 60, have a valid ID and a bank account, you can apply for a loan immediately.
Most financial companies now try to disburse money quickly to help borrowers soon have money to spend, repay, etc. Usually, after the online loan application is approved, in within 24 hours the money will be transferred to the borrower's bank account.
The student loans process is very quick and simple with only 4 steps:
Choose a reputable online loan app/website
Fill in loan information, loan amount in the loan application form on the website/app
Waiting for loan approval and loan disbursement via bank account
Pay the loan contract on time
Any form of loan has certain disadvantages and so does student loans. This form of this student loans has 3 disadvantages:
- The loan amount is not high
- The loan period is short
- The interest rate is higher than a mortgage loan.
If there is a need, you can apply for a loan at many financial companies at the same time. However, you should consider borrowing with a reasonable amount, enough to meet your own use needs for legitimate purposes and within your ability to pay.